Pagal nutylėjimą naudojami Wi-Fi nustatymai
Trimble R12, Trimble R10, Trimble R2
Visi nauji imtuvai turi vienodus nustatymus. Esant poreikiui šiuos nustatymus galima keisti.
Gamykliniai parametrai:
- Wi-Fi mode: access point
- Wi-Fi SSID: Receiver serial number
- Wi-Fi Encryption: Off
- Wi-Fi IP Address:
- Receiver Login: admin
- Receiver Password: password
- New Password: TrimbleTBC12
Connecting to a Wi-Fi device by default, the device is configured as an Access Point so you can connect to it using any Wi-Fi capable device with a standard web browser:
- On a Wi-Fi enabled device search for the SPS585 SSID. This is in the format Trimble GNSS 1234 where 1234 is the last 4 digits of the serial number;
- Connect using the default WEP64 encryption key abcdeabcde
- Open a web browser on your Wi-Fi enabled device and enter GNSS into the address bar
Note: With some devices, you may need to enter either http://GNSS, or to access the web interface. - Log in to the web interface. Select Security / Login. The default username is admin. The default password is password. Use the Help links on the web browser interface for further detailed information.